TEXT: Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”


God has a detailed plan for your life. He knows your final destination and the best way to get you there, but God doesn’t show you the details. The Scripture says His Word is a lamp for your feet. A lamp implies you have enough light to see the unknown life path in front of you, but not for the next fifty years. If you trust Him and take that next step into the unknown path, not knowing the outcome, He’ll lead you step-by-step into your destiny.

The question is, will you be bold and take the next unknown path that God gives you with the light you have? The unknown path is where breakthrough happens, where you discover abilities you never knew you had, and where you’ll accomplish more than you ever dreamed. If you have the courage to do what you know He’s asking you to do, He has the provision, the favor, and all that you need to go to the next victorious level.


Father, thank You that what lies ahead and is unknown to me is well known to You. I choose to rely on Your strength and Your Word that guides me step-by-step through the unknown path. I trust that You will go before me and take me to the next victorious level in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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